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Ghana, West African Railroad and Gold Mining Operation


The Peebco Energy Group has teamed up with Railnet International to build a 1,394-mile stretch of railway in Ghana, West Africa.  Also along this 1,394-mile stretch of railway will be fresh water lines using Peebco's desalinized water from the Atlantic ocean, electric power lines using Peebco's green energy power sources, and high-speed fiber optic lines. This project will be done in three phases:


Phase 1:

The Peebco Energy Group, in conjunction with Railnet International, proposes to finance, build, operate and transfer an approximately 1,394-mile rail system for Ghana using tried and proven North American technology as well as Peebco’s green energy processes. Our proposal includes the utilization of locomotives from Electro Motive Division of Progress rail and WABTEC Motive Power Industries MPI, 136lb rail from Progress Rail, 400 passenger cars from Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Concrete Ties, approximately 5,000 freight cars all based on the AAR and AREMA standards. The line will run from the port of Tema, Accra to Kumasi, from Takaradi to Kumasi and north to the border town of Paga. We are expected to capture 70% of the current road based traffic according to the Ghana Ministry of Transport.


Phase 2:


Finance, Build, Operate and Transfer an approximately 400 mile rail system for Burkina Faso using tried and proven North American technology. Our proposal includes the utilization of locomotives from Electro Motive Division of Progress rail and WABTEC Motive Power Industries MPI, 136lb rail from Progress Rail, 200 passenger cars from Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Concrete Ties, Approximately 2,000 freight cars all based on the AAR and AREMA standards. The proposed line would run from Paga on the Ghana border north to the Burkina Faso capitol of Ouagadougou and northwest from the capitol to Mali, Both Burkina Faso and Mali are landlocked countries, Burkina Faso is accessible by a meter gauge line from Cote D Ivoire, but Mali relies totally on trucks to transport their goods.


Phase 3:


Finance, Build, Operate and Transfer an approximately 2,500 mile rail system for the countries that connect with Ghana, which include Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Cote D Ivoire and Liberia, using tried and proven North American technology. Our proposal includes the utilization of locomotives from Electro Motive Division of Progress rail and WABTEC Motive Power Industries MPI, 136lb rail from Progress Rail, 1,500 passenger cars from Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Concrete Ties, Approximately 7,000 freight cars all based on the AAR and AREMA standards. The third phase of our project will provide the western portion of Africa with a heavy haul rail system to move the massive amounts of freight and minerals that the region consumes and produces. Our 12,000 ton unit trains for minerals and double stack container trains for consumer goods, as well as our fast intercity passenger trains will revolutionize the transportation market in Western Africa.

The Gold Mining Phase:

West Africa is well known for its' abundance of Rare Earth Minerals and precious, noble metals (i.e. Gold, Silver, and Platinum).  The Peebco Energy Group, along with its' mining partners, will not only be mining for the precious and noble metals along the railway via a "Land Reclamation Act, we will also assist with the development of West Africa's Gold City.  

The Gold City will be a World Class gold refinery and jewelry manufacturing hub with a major defense wall between it and the Atlantic Ocean.  The objective of the Gold City (aka Ghana’s Dubai) is to develop a cost effective, shipping and rail, and technically suitable location for West Africa’s entire gold and precious metal mining operations.  Additionally, the Peebco Energy Group will also be providing the rail, the water, and the fiber optics for the Gold City as well. 

Furthermore, this duty-free, trade-free enclave will also be a business center for the promotion of related venture products and services.  Our economic projections anticipate a 10% share of the global production.  From an economic and a humanitarian point of view, this would add 50% points to Ghana GDP (i.e. 1,200 tons to 1,500 tons of gold) over a long term period.  Additionally, it would make Ghana the world's leading producer of .9999 LBMA pure certified Gold as was approved and solicited by the Government of Ghana, West Africa.

With refined gold output in the form of bullion bars of 10 Tolas 999, 100 Grams 999, 1Kg 995 and 1Kg 9999, we shall offer refining capabilities up to 999.9 Gold, as well as 995 Silver. Cutting edge refining facilities and processes will provide our clients with the highest quality of gold and silver refinement services. We will also produce gold and silver bars of all standard sizes and purities.  All of the final products will be extensively tested and verified throughout the refining process.

The Gold City’s Tourism Commission - The Keta Sea Defense Wall & Marina is being created for both the defense of the Gold City’s precious metal refinery and the commercial development of the Gold City Tourism Commission. The Gold City Tourism Commission is being developed to attract international businesses, international governmental and non-governmental summits, conferences, learning seminars, workshops, meetings, and international entertainment venues. The Gold City Tourism Commission is also expected to be pleasantly compatible within the development of additional auxiliary businesses within the complex such as sea excursions, water sports, deep sea fishing, eco-tourism, and cultural events. There will also be a residential component added to the marina as well.  However, the most exhilarating attraction within the marina complex and defense wall will be the construction of a 1 km sq pontoon floating wharf and barge.  The barge will be anchored along the very interception of the Greenwich Meridian and Equator.  This will become known as "the ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth".  There will be scheduled boat rides and excursions within the Ghana’s territorial waters as well. This promises to be both an exceptional attraction and a technological marvel for the Trans-West African floury of visitors from North Africa to Southern Africa, the Americas, and the entire EMEA region of the world (i.e. Europe, the Middle and Far-East, and all of Africa.)  Once again, the Peebco Energy Group will provide the power and the operational logistics for this extended endeavor.

As stated within our opening statement: "the Peebco Energy Group is creating a cleaner energy for a cleaner planet."

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